Ron, Pam, Jacob & Alex Hurr are glad you stopped by as they share their family story. A little bit about each of them.
Ron works for MDU and has a passion for the outdoors. He enjoys hunting, coaching, working on his taxidermy business and camping with his family.
Pam is a RN and works at HRH clinic. She has the biggest smile and is always up to share a hug. She enjoys helping behind the scenes with her kids’ school, activities and helping get her family ready for their next adventure.
Jacob has a big heart. He enjoys football, playing Outlaw Baseball & cheering on the Green Bay Packers. Jacob is in high school.
Alex may be small in size but dont’ let that fool you. Alex is in Jr. High and enjoys playing for the Outlaw Baseball team. Chasing soccer balls, jumping on the trampoline and playing with brother & friends are right up his alley.